The North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board aims to ensure that safeguarding arrangements in North Lincolnshire work effectively so that adults at risk are able to live their lives free from harm and exploitation.
The training provided by the Safeguarding Adults Board supports practitioners in maintaining and developing their core skills for working with adults with care and support needs so that they remain in their own homes, families, jobs and communities
To view the full list of Safeguarding Adults Board training courses, training content and e-Learning view the SAB education and training programme. [The programme for 2025-26 will be published shortly]
To book your place on training courses visit our TicketTailor training and events page – Buy tickets – North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Partnerships. Where an alternative booking mechanism is used, this is indicated within the training programme.
To discuss course booking or other aspects of Safeguarding Adults Board training please contact the SAB business unit at
The North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Conference 2025 took place on Wednesday 5 February 2025, at The Baths Hall in Scunthorpe. The conference was an excellent opportunity to acknowledge the work across the partnership and to provide an opportunity for people across the workforce to consider the impact of Making Safeguarding Personal and to reflect on the importance of listening to the views of adults with lived experience.
Attendees also heard from Karl Mason, our keynote speaker, who provided his keynote on the topic of discriminatory abuse and from local agency representatives who highlighted the importance of utilising professional curiosity in practice.
- Conference programme
- Conference summary of key messages
- Presentations from the day
- Makaton – Help card
- Professional curiosity – Help card
Other resources shared as part of the stalls including our selection of leaflets, briefings on consent and refreshed PiPoT guidance can be found on the tools and resources page.
Past events
The North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board conference 2023 was planned and presented in partnership with people who have a lived experience and carers. The agenda for the day was very interactive and the feedback following the event was extremely positive.
A selection of tools and resources shared at the conference include:
- The experts developed the Workforce Tool – you can see how they were involved in this video.
- My Story’ – A Lived Experience of Adult Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – There was an individual who wanted to share their experience of self-neglect and safeguarding to help professionals understand what it was like for her. This is her story in her own words read by an actor
- A video by people with a lived experience of what its like to be an unpaid carer in North Lincolnshire
- The Experts – presented some ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ so that professionals could take these away with them
- Opening address – Kathy Clark
- A partnership approach to managing risk – Paul Hatchman
- ‘Learning from Reviews’ – Professor Michael Preston-Shoot
- A carers experience of safeguarding – Campbell McNeill
- Closing address – Karen Pavey
Conference 2020 – Listen to me and Hear my Voice Trailer
Conference recordings
- Safeguarding Adults Conference | Listen to me and hear my voice (Part 1) – YouTube
- Safeguarding Adults Conference | Listen to me and hear my voice (Part 2) – YouTube
- Safeguarding Adults Conference | Listen to me and hear my voice (Part 3) – YouTube
You can view our ‘What does Safeguarding mean to me?’ YouTube video below.
Presentations on the day.
- Dr Lindsey Pike (RiPfA) – Safeguarding Adult Reviews Presentation.
- John Trevains (NHS England) – LeDeR – Premature mortality and Safeguarding Presentation.
- Lisa Smith (RiPfA) – North Lincolnshire Conference Presentation
- Making Safeguarding Personal -Humberside Fire & Rescue Presentation
- Appreciative Inquiry – guide to good practice.
- Capacity and Consent -North Lincolnshire Council Presentation
- Trading Standards – Scams & Doorstep Crime Presentation