Tools and resources

This page contains a range of resources, advice and sources of support organised by category. Whilst this page is predominately for practitioners, many of the resources could be used to signpost adults with care and support needs to additional support.

North Lincolnshire Threshold Document and Risk Matrix

The aim of the Threshold Document is to ensure that a consistent and proportionate response is given to safeguarding adults concerns. Split into categories, practitioners should use this tool to aid their decision making around whether to make a safeguarding referral to the Safeguarding Adults Team.

The Risk Matrix is also a tool which can be used to determine the level of risk to a person. The Risk Matrix particularly supports practitioners to determine whether to make safeguarding referrals where repeated incidents are likely to result in an increased level of harm.

Threshold Document and Risk Matrix 

The above documents should be used to inform your decision making around whether to report a safeguarding concern. If you do decide that a safeguarding referral is required, please also see our guidance on what makes a good safeguarding referral.


What is safeguarding? – Video series by Haringey Council which provides and overview of what we mean by safeguarding and shares real life examples from people with a lived experience

North Lincolnshire Stop Abuse leaflet

North Lincolnshire Stop Abuse poster

Revisiting Safeguarding’ Practice Guidance – outlines key expectations and good practice for practitioners who carry out the statutory function within local authorities, such as adult social workers, and those with delegated responsibilities for decisions.

7 minute briefing – Trauma Informed Care

Video – 6 principles of safeguardingThis video shares information on the 6 principals of safeguarding and what they mean in practice

Fact sheet – What are care and support needs?

Professional curiosity

Professional curiosity – Help card – Developed as part of our 2025 conference, this help card provides practitioners with tips to remain professional curious

Safeguarding Adults Board Spotlight on Practice – Professional curiosity – This briefing shares key messages and advice for practitioners

7 minute briefing – Professional Curiosity

Developing professional curiosity in adult social care – Research in practice

Professional curiosity animation with introductionThis video includes an introduction where Siobhan Maclean and Wendy Roberts talk about the importance of professional curiosity. The animation which follows then provides a new way of looking more deeply at what professional curiosity means. It develops on from the idea that professional curiosity is about looking beyond the face value of information.

Voice, advocacy and Making Safeguarding Personal

Workforce Tool by the Experts Together Partnership

Makaton help card – Developed as part of our 2025 conference, this help card provides practitioners with the basic signs of Makaton, developed in collaboration with local Makaton group, Starlight Arts

What is safeguarding and Making Safeguarding Personal? webinar – This video gives a brief overview of adult safeguarding and the types of abuse. It also shares an overview of Making Safeguarding Personal and how to put it into practice

7 minute briefing – Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP)

Loneliness – Guide for professionals developed by the Experts Together Partnership

7 minute briefing – Safeguarding & Advocacy

POhWER independent advocacy provider

POhWER Independent Advocacy -Easy Read

Strengthening the role of advocacy in making safeguarding personal – This publication highlights the significant contribution of advocacy to safeguarding

Information sharing and consent

Consent and information sharing guidance

Consent and Section 42 enquiries guidance

7 minute briefing – Information Sharing

7 minute briefing – Record Keeping

Assessments, enquiries and case management

Section 42 safeguarding enquiry leaflet

Section 42 safeguarding enquiry Easy Read

How to undertake professional assessments for someone who has autism (

Making decisions on the duty to carry out safeguarding adults enquiries – LGA guidance on the duty to carry out safeguarding enquiries

7 minute briefing – Complex Case Panel

7 minute briefing – Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM) Meetings

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Diverse by Design for adult social care – the community and workforce relationship self-assessment tool

Diverse by Design: a workbook for adult social care This Diverse by Design for adult social care workbook sets out 15 elements that the LGA believe are fundamental in helping adult social care organisations to embed fair values, systems, and behaviours.

Diverse by design for adult social care – Executive summary – This a summary of each of the 15 elements to be used in conjunction with the above documents.



Responding to self-neglect video

Self-neglect policy and practice: research messages for practitioners

Self-neglect policy and practice: Learning from the frontline and people with lived experience


Keith’s story video – The Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board has produced a film to raise awareness of hoarding and to guide professionals on what kinds of interventions seem to work the best so that the people affected (both the person who hoards and other people whose lives this impacts upon) get the support that they need.

Hoarding UK – support for hoarders and local support groups

Cloud’s End CIC – resources to help hoarders

Help for Hoarders – support and advice for hoarders and their families.

NHS hoarding support

OCD UK – Information on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

RIPFA – Resources to help hoarders and housing associations dealing with hoarding

The Association of Professional De-Clutterers and Organisers (UK) – support for members of the Professional Organising & Decluttering industry

You can refer for a home fire safety check on the Humberside Fire & Rescue website.


Appropriate Language Guidance- sexual and / or criminal exploitation

Cuckooing – Guide for professional developed by the Experts Together Partnership

Safeguarding Adults Board Spotlight on Practice – Cuckooing – This briefing shares key messages and advice for practitioners around cuckooing

7 minute briefing – Adult Criminal Exploitation

7 minute briefing – Cuckooing

7 minute briefing – NRM and Transitions into Adulthood

Supporting modern slavery victims: guidance and good practice for council homelessness services

Working with clients and Cuckooing Toolkit – This toolkit, along with accompanying safety plan and information leaflet, aim to provide information about what cuckooing is, the early warning signs, how staff can help reduce the chance of cuckooing taking place, and safety planning and management.

Preventing and Disrupting Cuckooing Victimisation: Professional Toolkit – This toolkit has been designed to improve awareness of cuckooing victimisation, encourage professional and public curiosity, and improve reporting and intervention. It includes:

  • Information booklet for professionals
  • Cuckooing risk identification tool
  • An overview of the safeguarding process
  • Various posters and leaflets to raise awareness of cuckooing for victims and members of the public

Cuckooing animation – West Yorkshire Police

‘Tricky Friends’ is a short animation adopted by a number of SABs to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do.

Mate Crime leaflet – The Safeguarding Adults Board worked alongside a group of adults with the lived experience to produce a number of easy read documents including the Mate Crime leaflet


Domestic abuse in older adults – Video – The aim of this short animation is to help support practitioners and families start a conversation with an older adult. We know from research that this is a very sensitive topic to talk about. Older adults may be more reluctant to talk about problems at home due to experiential, cultural, and social factors, and this combined with ageing and subsequent care needs leaves them vulnerable to having domestic abuse overlooked.

The North Lincolnshire Domestic abuse toolkit  is aimed at multi-agency practitioners working with children, young people, families and vulnerable people who may be or are living with domestic abuse in North Lincolnshire.

7 minute briefing – Tackling domestic abuse

Safeguarding and domestic abuse – RDaSH video with BSL

The Willows – Dawn’s Story (Rural Domestic Abuse) – This dramatization of ‘The Willows’ highlights the challenges that victims of domestic abuse face living in a rural area

Seven minute briefing: learning from domestic abuse | Local Government Association

Cheshire East SAB are working together to highlight the complexities of Caring for a Loved one with Dementia, and the additional pressures this brings. Based on feedback from Carers, together with learning from Safeguarding Enquiries, Cheshire East have established a multi-agency response to equip staff in all settings to recognise Domestic Abuse when it is occurring in the context of Dementia, and to respond in a person centred, outcome focussed way. They have produced a toolkit of resources, titled Care provider response to domestic abuse and supporting people living with dementia and their carers.

7 minute briefing – Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS or Claire’s Law)

Claire’s Law video in British Sign Language

What is Clare’s Law? Video

Domestic Abuse – easy read how to get help.

Recognising coercive and controlling behaviour, Community Care 


What is organisational abuse video – This video provides information on what organisational abuse or neglect it and how to spot the signs

Our work on closed cultures’, Care Quality Commission (CQC) – CQC closed cultures guidance

Teeside Safeguarding Adults Board information and resources linked to organisational abuse and an animation on organisational abuse and neglect

Safeguarding people in closed environments – checklist tool, ADASS


Mental Capacity Act, DoLS and LPA

Mental Capacity Act – Help cards

Mental Capacity Act animation for parents and carers – This easy to understand animation shares information about what the MCA is and what its purpose is

Guidance for leaders and managers: Prevention of ill treatment in places where people are deprived of their liberty, National Preventive Mechanism – oversight regarding people who are detained

Back to basics Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards webinar

Lasting Power of Attorney

Introduction to Lasting Power of Attorney Video

Mental Health Act

Mind North Lincolnshire can provide emotional and practical support for individuals of any age.

North Lincolnshire Free Mental Health support – RDaSH

7 minute briefing – Mental Health and Suicide 

Executive functioning

Executive functioning animation – This video helps to understand what the term Executive Function means, recognise signs of decreased Executive Function and offers advice and tips about how to support someone showing signs of decline in executive function in relation to the journey of dementia


Identifying and working with self-neglect in people experiencing homelessness –  a guide for frontline practitioners

Executive functioning and rough sleeping videos – Manchester SAB have produced a video on a local rough sleeper known as ‘Beryl’  This gives an excellent overview on the need and application of assessing executive function when working with rough sleepers.

Adult safeguarding and homelessness: a briefing on positive practice

Adult safeguarding and homelessness: experience informed practice

Radical safeguarding toolkit for homelessness – Research in practice

Strengthening adult safeguarding responses to homelessness and self-neglect video – This video discusses the findings from a 2019-2023 national (England) research study on strengthening adult safeguarding responses to homelessness and self-neglect

Why understanding executive function is critical when working with homeless people – Community Care briefing

Recognising the link between trauma and homelessness – Feantsa briefing

Creating a Safeguarding Culture – a guide for registered managers of care homes.

Safety Huddles in Care Homes – These are simple, easy-to-use tools that frontline staff can use to share information about potential safety problems and concerns such as medication safety issues, falls, identification of deteriorating patients, equipment failures, and infections. You can also access Huddles, Resources and Tools –  A huddle is a short, stand-up meeting (10 minutes or less) that is typically used once at the start of each workday in a clinical setting and gives teams a way to actively manage quality and safety, including a review of important standard work such as checklists.

Focussing on falls in your professional practice.

Visiting a person who has an infection – Guide

ISTUMBLE App – ISTUMBLE® empowers carers to make good decisions around when to lift a fallen resident and when to call an ambulance

Pre-admission assessment – deterioration of dementia when moving to a care home.

Gradual transition to a care home for people living with advancing dementia.

Person Centred Passport.

Supporting a person to move into a care home.

Visiting a person who has an infection.


A Carers Experience of Safeguarding – Campbell McNeill

Unpaid Carers and Safeguarding – People with Lived Experience

7-minute-Briefing-safeguarding-and-informal-carers – North Wales SAB

Carers and safeguarding: a briefing for people who work with carers | Local Government Association

Cheshire East SAB are working together to highlight the complexities of Caring for a Loved one with Dementia, and the additional pressures this brings. Based on feedback from Carers, together with learning from Safeguarding Enquiries, Cheshire East have established a multi-agency response to equip staff in all settings to recognise Domestic Abuse when it is occurring in the context of Dementia, and to respond in a person centred, outcome focussed way. They have produced a toolkit of resources, titled Care provider response to domestic abuse and supporting people living with dementia and their carers.

The Carers Support Service website has a selection of resources and provides advice for unpaid carers in relation to safeguarding

For further information about carers or to seek support, please visit the Caring for someone page of the North Lincolnshire Council website