Scrutiny and Assurance Framework
The Safeguarding Adults Board Scrutiny and Assurance Framework sets out our arrangements for scrutiny and assurance. The arrangements include opportunities to work in partnership to learn and improve practice across the multi-agency adult safeguarding system and shares information about the range of mechanisms we utilise to identify learning.
Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Safeguarding Adults Boards must arrange a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) when an adult it its area dies as a result of abuse or neglect, whether known or suspected, and there is a concern that partner agencies could have worked more effectively to protect the adult.
The Board must also arrange a SAR if an adult in its area has not died, but the Board knows or suspects that the adult has experienced serious abuse or neglect.
Safeguarding Adults Boards are also free to arrange a SAR in any other situations involving an adult in its area with needs for care and support.
The purpose of a Safeguarding Adults Review is to:
- Determine what might have been done differently that could have prevented harm or death.
- Identify lessons and apply these to future situations to prevent similar harm occurring again.
- Review the effectiveness of multi-agency safeguarding arrangements and procedures.
- Inform and improve future practice and partnership working.
- Improve practice by acting on learning – developing best practice.
- Highlight any good practice identified
Our local process for undertaking SARs is detailed our Safeguarding Adults Review Framework.
If the SAR criteria appears to have been met, you must complete the referral form for a multi-agency review and return it to the SAB business unit –
Published North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Reviews
Learning from scrutiny and assurance activity
Our Scrutiny and Assurance Framework provides a number of opportunities to work in partnership to learn and improve practice across the multi-agency adult safeguarding system, providing improvement of outcomes for adults. The lived experience of the adult is central to our scrutiny and assurance activity.
The below briefings outline the learning from past scrutiny and assurance activity:
- Case Specific Line of Sight to Practice Event – Matilda
- Case Specific Line of Sight to Practice Event – Fletcher
- Thematic assurance event – Child Exploitation including transition to adulthood
- Thematic assurance event – Domestic abuse and the impact on children
- Line of Sight to Practice Event – Self-neglect
Feedback from adults with a lived experience of safeguarding
As part of our scrutiny and assurance framework, there are opportunities to utilise the skills and assets of individual adults who have a lived experience to give them the opportunity to scrutinise, challenge and influence the services they access.
One of the mechanisms we use the capture feedback from those who have been through a safeguarding journey is by online survey.
If you are an adult with care and support needs or you provide support to an adult, and have received any service from the safeguarding adults team, please let us know how you found the experience by clicking on the link below and completing the online feedback form.
National Safeguarding Adults Reviews Library – The National Network for Chairs of Adult Safeguarding Boards
The National Network for Chairs of Adult Safeguarding Boards collect reports and associated resources to support those involved in commissioning, conducting and quality assuring SARs. You can access the National SAR library here.
National analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews
Partners in Care, The Local Government Association and ADASS have commissioned two national analysis of SARs with the aim of identifying priorities for sector-led improvement as a result of learning from SARs completed between 2019 and 2023.
The first analysis was completed and published in December 2020. The report can be found here – Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews, April 2017 – March 2019
The second analysis, published in April 2024, is split into three stages. All three report plus the executive summary and six briefings are also available to read below:
- Stage 1 report – Case characteristics; nature of the abuse and neglect; SAR reviewing process
Stage 2 report – Analysis of learning - Stage 3 report – Conclusions and improvement priorities
- Executive Summary
- Briefing for SAB chairs and business managers
- Briefing for senior leaders and SAB members
- Briefing for individuals and their families
- Briefing for elected members
- Briefing for authors of Safeguarding Adult Reviews
- Briefing for practitioners
Learning from lives and deaths – People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)
The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) programme produce annual reports You can access the most up to date annual reports at NHS England.